Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am thankful for my little sister. I am thankful for the baby she has growing in her womb and that she trusts me enough to ask me to be her midwife. I am thankful for her sense of humor and her wit and her style. I am thankful that we know each other so well now.
I am thankful that pulling out all of the cans from the cupboard keeps the babies occupied. I am thankful that I was the one who got to put them all away even though their dad was standing right there.
I am thankful for my daughter stealing the camera to take 35 pictures that look like this. I will frame them to give to her on wedding day.
I am thankful for my husbands super awesome mustache for movember. It is super awesome! Oh...I guess I already said that.
I am grateful that my neighbor wrote me a note on a brown paper bag and put it in my mailbox calling me lazy because I haven't raked my yard. Croup and scarlet fever don't count when there are leaves on the ground! And neither does the six foot tall privacy fence that makes it so you can't actually see the backyard.
And last but not least, I am grateful for my chickens. That don't lay any eggs.

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